今日做好人,陪欧生去0左http://draft.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6846226954901762318#editor/target=post;postID=6653640689594052258官塘拎新鲜滚热辣0既WINGS。哈。其实係自己想睇 ,因为今期有我写0既文章!!哇啦啦,叫我美女作家!
okay, i give up. it’s very hard for me to write in Cantonese( if you can see from the above passage), it’s just not the language that i use to write in. Just in case you don’t read Chinese, my article was published! in the Wings Magazine by the Editorial Board of HKUSTSU. It’s not because i am superb in writing, it’s just happened that i have good friends in the Editorial Board./evil laugh i wrote about tourism in Malaysia, i introduce Pulau Langkawi, Ipoh, Melaka, Penang and Cameron Highlands!! All places that i have been to (and place that i grow up!) and most of the things i wrote are based on experiences and of course i put effort to research on these places, i don’t wanna give wrong information.
I was exciting to be the few first one to read the mag. It may not be as professional as the magazine where you have to pay 20 bucks to get out there, but because i have known people who are making it, i see their hard work in wanting to make this a nice one. They spend sleepless night designing every page, proofread,finalize things again and again. I know they have been some problems in the team, but i saw unity and togetherness when you guys moved boxes and boxes of the mag into the EB room.
Here’s the photo for my day 7 of my project 365
Day 7: The broken tiles
the whole row of tiles broke when they pushed the cart full of magazines over them. only this particular row of tiles broke, only that row, not the two rows next to it. hah. the books are just too heavy. shhh..don’t tell anyone who did this to the floor tiles there..shhhh..
Here’s a photo of me with the Ipoh article!!exciting!!
Wah, you can write in a magazine!!! It is great! Can you help me to buy one? i will pay you the money when you back m'sia. I am serious...